• Wet blending is my go-to to achieve smooth colour transitions. It is my favourite technique - however, it has also proven itself the most frustrating at times! Especially in summer.
    Feathering, glazing, drybrushing and cross hatching are all other techniques I use to highlight, blend or texture a miniature’s surface.
    I have an airbrush, but overall uses it very sparingly for my own work. For tabletop and army commissions, however, it is a life saver and will often be the first step.

    As for more advanced techniques, I am still learning how to perfect NMM (non-metallic metal), OSL and freehanding. I have some experience with all three, it’s just not… Golden Demon level yet.

  • Paint brushes:
    My favourite brushes are Series 33, size 1 and size 2, from Rosemary & Co Artists Brush Ltd.
    They have excellent Kolinsky hair brushes and customer service, as well as being more affordable overall.

    Other tried brushes:
    Winsor & Newton Series 7, Rafael 8404, Artis Opus, Daler Rowney Aquafine, Citadel, Army Painter.

    Paint brands:
    I use Vallejo Model Color first and foremost, followed by: Citadel, Contrast, AK Interactive, Kimera, Army Painter, Liquitex and Vallejo Game Color.

  • Well, I don’t have one. At least not a traditional “visual” one. I studied French literature for years. I even gave up learning english in college so that I could study Latin and Ancient Greek, as they are the core foundations of the French language. I wanted to become a writer, or alternatively, a linguist.

    I used to write short stories in French. That’s as far as an “artist” I was until I started painting miniatures in November 2020.

  • No… No I do not, haha. I’m not a Gunpla painter!

  • Tiffany "Ashelyn" Cosset

    Miniature Painter

    I started painting in November 2020 for the very first time. At that time, I was looking for something to distract me from my returning mental health issues, which pushed me to quit my job in the middle of the pandemic.
    My partner, Patrick, had been toying with the idea of painting some Warhammer for himself. As soon as I expressed the interest in giving it a try with him, we pulled the trigger, got some paints and a Kill Team Starter Box Set. I instantly fell in love with the hobby, and decided to try turning it into a dream career.

    I won first place in the Spring Minipainting Contest on Reddit, receiving valuable and encouraging feedback from some amazing painters like Trovarion and Miniac, which pushed me to keep learning and improving my techniques.

    My handle was meant to be a crossover for my love of “wargaming” and video gaming, yet all I do is paint… and play video games. I’ve yet to play a single tabletop wargame.

    Pat and I are lizard parents of many geckos and a bearded dragon (aka, the “big gecko”). Chances are, if you follow me on Twitter/Instagram, you already know them too.